CSA Celebrates English Month this November

November is English Month and all Academic Departments have lined up their activities for the next few weeks.

Join the Grade School Department in the celebration of the English and Book Month this November! Let us rekindle our love for reading and unlock the gateway for wondrous adventures and magic!

Here are the activities of the High School Department.

COVID-19 has widened the gaps in several aspects of our lives especially in the field of education. With the prohibition of face-to-face classes, challenges in connectivity, lack of technology, and most students’ dependency on self-paced learning, how do we encourage, achieve, and sustain literacy?

In support of the UNESCO’s Literacy Program, let us come together and achieve literacy for a human-centered recovery by narrowing the digital divide through our activities for the English Month 2021.

Showcase your powerful writing skills in the Essay Writing Contest – Of Thoughts and Pens.

Connect to the community and promote literacy through the Lit Vlogfest.

Challenge yourself and other language experts of your batch through the Grammar Wars.

Promote the excitement and the love of reading through the Book Character Headdress Day.

Indulge yourself with meaningful, informative, and relevant webinars and other activities that target your language development, skills enhancement, and basic literacies.

Let us not leave anyone behind as we move forward. Reimagine English learning within and beyond this crisis.




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