HS Department Announces Yearend Programs

Grade 12 Grand Recognition Program marks another one of CSA’s milestones as we celebrate one of our first-few virtual ceremonies. This revered ritual of honoring our students’ and their parent’s hard work, sacrifices, and achievements has been a source of pride and jubilation to the entire Augustinian community. The annual Grand Recognition Program serves as[…..]

CSA ASEP Department Offers Summer 2021 Online Activities

The ASEP Department of CSA offers varied online activities for your children this Summer 2021.  Click on the links below to access the registration forms. CSA/Non CSA Registration Form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1rcPG9JQOOzcguPviFirxqp5YjnAV-LsDLlFsk75ndnY/edit?usp=sharing CSA/Non CSA MUSIC Registration Form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1ub52zoqcuGW1U9zYsBaVHOpBg4sS_H8jiYmKebCqiKI/edit?usp=sharing MEET THE ASEP COACHES AND TEACHES FOR SUMMER 2021