Fr. Rector’s Message on CSA’s 52nd Founding Anniversary

07 July 2021


My Dear Friends All in St. Augustine,


Happy 52nd Founding Anniversary to all of you!  It feels just like yesterday when we celebrated our Golden Jubilee Anniversary two years ago filled with excitement and hope for all that was yet to come.  Yet, here we are two years after, stuck in our homes because of the pandemic.  In spite of the challenges of the past few months, however, there is a deep sense of fulfillment and pride when we look back at CSA’s 52 year-history and see how far CSA has grown in terms of the work and service we offer to the community.  In spite of the new and unfamiliar set-up, we did not allow our wings to be tied, but instead we soared even higher!


As we celebrate today, we take time to thank the people behind CSA’s success, those who have been “the wind beneath our wings”.  We thank those who have spent a great part of their lives in dedicated service and commitment to CSA.  We have come this far because of you.  Though your names might be left unmentioned for it would be a long list indeed, they are forever etched in our hearts and our memories.  From the bottom of our hearts, we send our sincerest THANKS to all of you!


As we stand before the threshold of a new academic year, we are eager to continue our journey as one Augustinian community.  Anima una et cor unum in Deum— Having but one mind and one heart intent upon God, we strive and persevere to fulfill our mission of educating and forming the hearts and minds of those entrusted to our care.  Our School Thrust for AY 2021 – 2022 inspires us to move towards one direction, having one common goal and doing one life-long mission.  We are a family; we work in faith, labor in love and endure in hope together.  We will prevail no matter what challenges lie before us.


Therefore, let us keep the fire burning in our hearts with the desire to search for Truth and to build the City of God here on earth.  Let us take flight and soar high, Augustinians!  Stay safe, and have a blessed day!



Yours in St. Augustine,

Fr. Dante M. Bendoy, OSA



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